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Our Areas of Practice

We offer a free initial consultation to evaluate your case. An initial consultation does not create an attorney-client relationship. Initial consultation does not guarantee the attorney will take your case. Initial consultation is for the attorney to better understand the legal issue at hand. We do not accept all cases that come through the door because we value quality not quantity. So, if the attorney declines your case, it is not because the attorney did not like you but because maybe the attorney feels you may need someone else to handle your situation. 

We handle contested, uncontested, and default dissolutions. 


Dissolution cases often include:

Spousal support

Division of assets and debts

Child support

Child custody and visitations


(Not every case involves all of the aforementioned issues. We provide legal services based on your needs.)

Prenuptial Agreement

Often, a couple seeks a prenup before marriage to ensure peace of mind regarding parties understanding about their assets after marriage. 


Prenup is one way to have an agreement as to how to address issues in case of a divorce. 

Postnuptial Agreement

While many prefer to have a prenup in advance before marriage, some don't consider such agreements until after they get married. Those agreements are the same as prenups except they are drafted after marriage. 

Name Change

We handle Name Change cases for you. 

(We do NOT accept cases for name change for the purpose of fraud or any illegal reason)


Marital Settlement Agreement

We draft Marital Settlement Agreements based on client's demand. In cases where parties want to proceed on their own, but they only need help drafting the agreement, we do so for them. 


In many instances, parties would like to resolve their disagreement without using the legal system. We offer mediation services to help resolving disputes amicably and without the court's interference. 

We also provide mediation services to those who already have a case open with the court and need help coming up with mutual solutions. 


Estate Plan

Basic Estate plan includes the following:


Last Will & Testament

Power of Attorney 

Health Care Directive


Advanced Health Care Directive

Having a baby is one of the most precious moments in life. When a baby is born to an unmarried couple, the father must establish paternity to guarantee his rights as the parent of the baby.


Adoption is a life changing experience. You get to build a family, and you give a child the precious gift of having a parent. 

We handle mainly family members and step-parent adoptions. 

Probate & Conservatorship

Sometimes people may go through health issues that would leave them unable to care for themselves. In this case, the court would appoint someone to oversee and manage the incapacitated individual's finances and health care decisions. 

Conservatorship could be general or limited. We believe that no one should deal with such circumstances alone. We are here to assist you in such difficult times. 

With immigration increasing in the recent years, family members are separated with some members are still living back-home while others immigrated to the US. Uniting those family members is a task that we enjoy. 

While immigration issues are countless, we only handle family based immigration such as family members petitions, adjustment of status, and naturalization, 

Summer Forsberg, Esq. 

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